نصب NetApp OnCommand در استوریج NetApp FAS 2552

نصب NetApp OnCommand در استوریج NetApp FAS 2552

So we just to a new shiny FAS 2552 for use with NetApp Shift , we wanted to setup basic monitoring to start with to ensure that everything is in working order and status that way , NetApp will alert on critical errors though autosupport but putting everything together in a single place of glass eg Operations Manager makes a good case.

Sign in to your now account and download OnCommand 4.0.1 or newest version


This install will cover the basics and as soon as we get the box closer to production a new post will be added with further details



The OnCommand PlugIn require a named user during install to host the webservice , the account MUST be local admin on the Operations Manager management server you install on , be aware that default Operations Manager installation will make this user full admin in Operations Manager , so ensure that the BUILINT\Administrators don’t have full admin rights to Operations Manager



Start the installer on a Operations Manager management server


Add Console Integration/Management Packs , for the purpose of this post we wont cover VMM integration or shell



Add the named user created before install start


The installer imports management packs , in our environment took less than 10 minutes


Sucess :)


In OnCommand System Manager create a user with api access and read only , this is to ensure that we keep high privilege access account to a few as possible



Onder Cluster Data OnTap Management Servers Select Manage Storage Systems


Add the IP/DNS name for the Cluster Node , during initial setup i got a “Value cannot be null”

This was due to no Storage Virtual Machines created as this was a brand new install


As this is just a test install for now i just created a SVM just with CIFS just to get beyond the error during install


And back to adding the Storage System to the Operations Manager




Sucess :)



To avoid waiting for the schedules discovery i ran a discovery task to speed up things


And a few minutes later we start getting info about our shift FAS box


And hardware status

If you install the Management Pack after configuration of the Filer you wont see the Null Error

Next step is looking at rules/monitors/reporting

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