نام و وضعيت هر يك از سرويس هاي ويندوز سرور

نام و وضعيت هر يك از سرويس هاي ويندوز سرور

گاهي اوقات در مديريت شبكه هاي كامپيوتري ،مديران شبكه نياز دارند تا وضعيت هر يك از سرويس هاي ويندوز را بررسي كرده و تغييرات سرويس هايي كه به اشتباه Stop مي شوند را اصلاح كنند .در ادامه نام هر سرويس را در سرور هاي مختلف (Domain Controller,Member Server ,Stand Alone Server ) نمايش داده مي شود .


Full Service Name

Service Name

DC Startup Type

Member Server Startup Type

Stand-Alone Server Startup Type

Logon As

Alerter Alerter Disabled Disabled Disabled Local Service
Application Layer Gateway Service ALG Manual Manual Manual Local Service
Application Management AppMgmt Manual Manual Manual Local System
ASP .NET State Service aspnet_state Not installed Not installed Not installed
Automatic Updates wuauserv Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Background Intelligent Transfer Service BITS Manual Manual Manual Local System
Certificate Services CertSvc Not installed Not installed Not installed
Client Service for NetWare NWCWorkstation Not installed Not installed Not installed
ClipBook ClipSrv Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Cluster Service ClusSvc Not installed Not installed Not installed
COM+Event Services EventSystem Manual Manual Manual Local System
COM+ System Application COMSysApp Manual Manual Manual Local System
Computer Browser Browser Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Cyrptographic Services CryptSvc Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
DHCP Client Dhcp Automatic Automatic Automatic Network Service
DHCP Server DHCPServer Automatic Not installed Not installed Local System
Distributed File System Dfs Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Distributed Link Tracking Client TrkWks Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Distributed Link Tracking Server TrkSvr Disabled Disabled Disabled Network Service
Distributed Transaction Coordinator MSDTC Automatic Automatic Automatic Network Service
DNS Client Dnscache Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
DNS Server DNS Automatic Not installed Not installed Local System
Error Reporting Service ERSvc Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Event Log Eventlog Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Fax Service Fax Not installed Not installed Not installed
File Replication NtFrs Automatic Manual Manual Local System
File Server for Macintosh MacFile Not installed Not installed Not installed
FTP Publishing Service MSFtpsvc Not installed Not installed Not installed
Help and Support helpsvc Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
HTTP SSL HTTPFilter Manual Manual Manual Local System
Human Interface Device Access HidServ Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
IAS Jet Database Access IASJet Not installed Not installed Not installed
IIS Admin Service IISADMIN Not installed Not installed Not installed
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service ImapiService Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Indexing Service cisvc Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Infrared Monitor Irmon Not installed Not installed Not installed
Internet Authentication Service IAS Not installed Not installed Not installed
Internet Connection Firewall (ICF)/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) SharedAccess Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Intersite Messaging IsmServ Automatic Disabled Disabled Local System
IP Version 6 Helper Service 6to4 Not installed Not installed Not installed
IPSec Policy Agent (IPSec Service) PolicyAgent Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Kerberos Key Distribution Center Kdc Automatic Disabled Disabled Local System
License Logging Service LicenseService Disabled Disabled Disabled Network Service
Logical Disk Manager dmserver Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service dmadmin Manual Manual Manual Local System
Message Queuing msmq Not installed Not installed Not installed
Message Queuing Down Level Clients mqds Not installed Not installed Not installed
Message Queuing Triggers Mqtgsvc Not installed Not installed Not installed
Messenger Messenger Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Microsoft POP3 Service POP3SVC Not installed Not installed Not installed
MS Software Shadow Copy Provider SwPrv Manual Manual Manual Local System
MSSQL$UDDI MSSQL$UDDI Not installed Not installed Not installed
MSSQLServerADHelper MSSQLServerADHelper Not installed Not installed Not installed
.NET Framework Support Service CORRTSvc Not installed Not installed Not installed
Netlogon Netlogon Automatic Automatic Manual Local System
NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing mnmsrvc Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Network Connections Netman Manual Manual Manual Local System
Network DDE NetDDE Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Network DDE DSDM NetDDEdsdm Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Network Location Awareness (NLA) NLA Manual Manual Manual Local System
Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) NntpSvc Not installed Not installed Not installed
NTLM Security Support Provider NtLmSsp Manual Manual Manual Local System
Performance Logs and Alerts SysmonLog Manual Manual Manual Network Service
Plug and Play PlugPlay Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Portable Media Serial Number WmdmPmSN Manual Manual Manual Local System
Print Server for Macintosh MacPrint Not installed Not installed Not installed
Print Spooler Spooler Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Protected Storage ProtectedStorage Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager RasAuto Manual Manual Manual Local System
Remote Access Connection Manager RasMan Manual Manual Manual Local System
Remote Administration Service SrvcSurg Not installed Not installed Not installed
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager RDSessMgr Manual Manual Manual Local System
Remote Installation BINLSVC Not installed Not installed Not installed
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) RpcSs Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator RpcLocator Automatic Manual Manual Network Service
Remote Registry Service RemoteRegistry Automatic Automatic Automatic Local Service
Remote Server Manager AppMgr Not installed Not installed Not installed
Remote Server Monitor Appmon Not installed Not installed Not installed
Remote Storage Notification Remote_Storage_User_Link Not installed Not installed Not installed
Remote Storage Server Remote_Storage_Server Not installed Not installed Not installed
Removable Storage NtmsSvc Manual Manual Manual Local System
Resultant Set of Policy Provider RSoPProv Manual Manual Manual Local System
Routing and Remote Access RemoteAccess Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
SAP Agent nwsapagent Not installed Not installed Not installed
Secondary Logon seclogon Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Security Accounts Manager SamSs Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Server lanmanserver Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Shell Hardware Detection ShellHWDetection Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) SMTPSVC Not installed Not installed Not installed
Simple TCP/IP Services SimpTcp Not installed Not installed Not installed
Single Instance Storage Groveler Groveler Not installed Not installed Not installed
Smart Card SCardSvr Manual Manual Manual Local Service
SNMP Service SNMP Not installed Not installed Not installed
SNMP Trap Service SNMPTRAP Not installed Not installed Not installed
Special Administration Console Helper Sacsvr Manual Manual Manual Local System
SQLAgent$* (* UDDI or WebDB) SQLAgent$WEBDB Not installed Not installed Not installed
System Event Notification SENS Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Task Scheduler Schedule Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service LMHosts Automatic Automatic Automatic Local Service
TCP/IP Print Server LPDSVC Not installed Not installed Not installed
Telephony TapiSrv Manual Manual Manual Local System
Telnet TlntSvr Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Terminal Services TermService Manual Manual Manual Local System
Terminal Services Licensing TermServLicensing Not installed Not installed Not installed
Terminal Services Session Directory Tssdis Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Themes Themes Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Trivial FTP Daemon tftpd Not installed Not installed Not installed
Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS Manual Manual Manual Local Service
Upload Manager Uploadmgr Manual Manual Manual Local System
Virtual Disk Service VDS Manual Manual Manual Local System
Volume Shadow Copy VSS Manual Manual Manual Local System
WebClient WebClient Disabled Disabled Disabled Local Service
Web Element Manager elementmgr Not installed Not installed Not installed
Windows Audio AudioSrv Disabled Disabled Disabled Local System
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) StiSvc Disabled Disabled Disabled Local Service
Windows Installer MSIServer Manual Manual Manual Local System
Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) WINS Not installed Not installed Not installed
Windows Management Instrumentation winmgmt Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions Wmi Manual Manual Manual Local System
Windows Media Services WMServer Not installed Not installed Not installed
Windows System Resource Manager WindowsSystemResourceManager Not installed Not installed Not installed
Windows Time W32Time Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service WinHttpAutoProxySvc Manual Manual Manual Local Service
Wireless Configuration WZCSVC Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
WMI Performance Adapter WmiApSrv Manual Manual Manual Local System
Workstation lanmanworkstation Automatic Automatic Automatic Local System
World Wide Web Publishing Service W3SVC Not installed Not installed Not installed

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