افزایش حافظه در VMKernel ESX
The amount of free memory in the vmkernel for ESX Server is running low. Only 0,00 KB of free heap memory remains. This rule checks for adequate Heap memory on ESX servers. Add more physical memory to the server or use VMotion to better balance utilization across servers in the cluster.
You can easily check the health of your memory of the Host by looking under the /proc filesystem in the service console.
Use following commands to see for your self.
ESX 3.5.x
cat /proc/vmware/mem
A heap memory pool is an internal memory pool created at start-up that tasks use to dynamically allocate memory as needed. This memory pool is used by tasks that requires a lot of memory from the stack.
Heap Starvation is caused by excessive drivers, Hba’s, Lun targets use in the VMkernel. To simplefy it, the more Lun’s and hardware in the machine the more memory it wil use.
You can enhances your console memory to 800mb
If there are stil problems try the following.
The default heap size for VMFS-3 is set to 16Mb. This allows for a maximum of 4Tb of open virtual disk capacity on a single ESX host. In ESX 3.0, the value cannot be adjusted. VMware is considering a patch to correct the issue. In ESX 3.5, the value can be adjusted
There is a kb article ( KB Article 1004424 ) about it. See here
However I would recommend that you contact VMware before making any changes in adjusting Values for VMFS heap sizes.