نرم افزار مدیریتی OnCommand در تجهیزات NetApp

نرم افزار مدیریتی OnCommand در تجهیزات NetApp

Simplify your data management both on-premises and in the hybrid cloud.

Gain a new level of control over your shared storage infrastructure. NetApp® OnCommand®data management software gives you the visibility you need to achieve common data management across resources in the Data Fabric.

This suite of industry-leading management products unleashes the power of the clustered Data ONTAP® storage operating system, to help maximise system utilisation, meet storage SLAs, minimise risks and boost performance. Use the OnCommand portfolio’s intuitive graphical user interfaces, automation and integration to simplify data management of your on-premises and hybrid cloud environments.

OnCommand Data Management Software

For NetApp Storage

For Multi-vendor Storage

Integrate Management and Data Protection


Employ key NetApp management capabilities using popular virtualisation and IT management platforms and plug-ins.


Integrate NetApp data centre management features using custom software and third-party tools with the NetApp manageability SDK.

Learn more and join the conversations on the OnCommand community.


Key Points

  • Reduce complexity using a single, unified storage management approach.
  • Automate workflows to optimise storage efficiency and minimise IT spend.
  • Extend data management and service delivery with open integration model.

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